In 2009 the Lord begin to call us out of the four walls of our home church to attend prayer gatherings through out the city of Houston. In doing so we connected with Prayer Leaders and Prayer Groups from all over this great city. Through this season of going out, we could see more clearly what the Lord was doing in Greater Houston. Then we felt the Lord draw us back to our side of town and the Holy Spirit began to speak to us about focusing on the Eastside of Houston. I clearly heard the Lord say, I am using my people from all over this city to rebuild the spiritual walls & gates of this city and I want you to focus on rebuilding the spiritual wall and gate of the Eastside. The day will come when the spiritual wall and gates surrounding the city will be connected and completed. Then, we understood what our mission was and the name, Houston Eastside Prayer was given and we began to hold the gatherings on the first Friday in June 2010 which have continued on to this day.